14/12/2019: Swimming on 4K beach

Too high for breakfast

Woke up bright and early at 9am as Mischa was coming to 4K beach to have breakfast here with us. She was due to be here at 10am, however, as we predicted, the water further down the beach was too high to pass. At some point before 10am, Mischa messaged us to let us know that what we predicted had come true. Mat and I proceeded to have breakfast anyway. On these islands, the food isn’t usually as cheap as the mainland, but it’s still good most of the time. For more info on what to do on Koh Rong, except partying, check this out.

I went for the signature muesli with fresh fruit and yoghurt again, I have to reiterate the point every time I have it; it’s so nice! After we had chowed down on our breakfast, we decided to head to the hammocks on the beach (these were only around 50 metres away, mind you). So we began soaking up some rays in the beautiful sunshine on the beach; it was pretty damn hot. I’m not a big fan of sunbathing or intense heat, so I made a beeline for the water, something Mat couldn’t do due to his recent tattoo.

Waiting to check in again

There was a boat out at sea, around 200 metres from the shore. As I didn’t have much to do, I decided to have a swim out to it, to get the blood pumping! On the whole I was fine, but the waves did get a bit tedious, especially when they come from a direction you can’t. They take you by surprise and splash you in the side of your face. You just have to make sure you don’t panic, and take it easy. Plus, if you’re not confident, don’t swim so far out!

By the time I had swum back to shore, Mischa had arrived on 4K beach and was setting up next to Mat. I went up to them and we lounged around. I’d say we chilled out, but there was no chilling in this unforgiving heat. After we had dried out on the beach, we headed to our hostel to have some food for lunch. We had extended our stay by 1 night, but our room was already booked, so they were getting our accommodation ready for us. After eating, and having waited for over an hour, Mischa decided to go back to her hostel. Mat and I had to wait a couple of hours for our ‘rooms’ to be ready

Checking in again

In the early afternoon, the main dude at the hostel showed us to our accommodation. It was pretty intriguing actually. We were set up in a tent each, inside a barren bungalow. The reason it had taken so long, was because the electricity wasn’t currently in the bungalow, so a dude had been sorting it for a few hours. This meant that whilst this bungalow was bare, we both had our own electricity inputs and lights in our tents. After we had got settled in, had fun watching ants at work (mainly me), and Mat jumping out of his skin due to the largest gecko we had ever seen, we met Mischa on 4K beach again.

This Sun was setting now, and it was getting slightly cooler, which was nice. I went for a swim again, and the others sat on the beach. Despite being the oldest, I often feel like the youngest. This session wasn’t to last very long; after 20 minutes or so, we decided to go back to the main strip and get some food there.

Saying bye again

We went to a restaurant that Mat and I had been to before, and it was pretty nice to be honest. The 3 of us had dinner together, and played cards in between our courses…just like old times. We also managed to squeeze in a dessert afterwards (I can never say no to a pud!). Once we’d finished all our meals, spoke for a couple of hours, and it was dark out, we said our goodbyes again, for the second time.

Yesterday, Julie had asked me what the plan was (via WeChat as we’d not seen her for our duration here). Neither Mat or I wanted to continue travelling with her, but I didn’t have the heart to tell her. I gave Mat my phone so he could reply instead, and that was that. He didn’t message anything bad, he just told her to speak to Mat about what the plan was. She got the message, and never messaged Mat.

Mat and I walked back to 4K beach and turned in for the night. We were leaving tomorrow, so wanted to get some ZZZs in.

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Picture of Joe Mayo

Joe Mayo

Joe has a hunger for travel and a passion for adventure, and has set out to share his journey with others to inspire and help them on their way.

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