11/01/2020: Boat to Ao Nang

Relaxing in paradise

Despite having had a wicked time here, although it was short, we were leaving today. We’ll be taking a boat to Ao Nang, which is near Krabi on the mainland. Yesterday was pretty exhausting, so it was nice to have a nice lie in until 10am. Once we were up and ready to roll, we checked out of the hostel (leaving our things behind) and went for breakfast. As is tradition, I went for my muesli, yoghurt, and fruit special! Never disappoints. After breakfast, we had a walk to the dock to confirm where our boat to Ao Nang would be departing from. It pays to always be prepared!

We then went for a wander around the streets, it was heaving with people. I then suggested to Mat that we go and have a massage, as it’s been a while and we need to kill time. The pair of us went in and got seen to straight away. Contrary to last time, this massage was actually relaxing and I didn’t feel like I’d stepped into the wrestling ring. It was also an oil massage, so perhaps this had an impact on the roughness of the girl. I can’t fault the massages in Asia; compared to the UK they’re a fraction of the price, double the amount of time, and you’ll never be disappointed.

I'm on a boat

After the brilliant massage, we walked around the corner to get some food. It’s kind of like an outdoor food court, with loads of restaurants either side. We picked one and actually had a really nice meal. For dessert we nipped to McDonalds and had another huge ‘sharer’ McFlurry; I just can’t get enough of them! After we had eaten our fill, we returned to the hostel, picked up our bags, and made our way to the boat that would deliver us to Ao Nang. 

Checking in/boarding the boat to Ao Nang was easy, and we were one of the first in, which means we get first choice of seats. To be fair, there were a large amount of seats, and they didn’t get filled up. What was best, was the aircon in the place. Turbulent boats and heat don’t go together very well, so I was grateful for the cooling on board. For the first hour, I played on some games that I’d downloaded; I knew they’d come in handy at one point or another. After the first hour, I got tired of the games though, so I took a nap for the second hour.

Reaching the mainland

Once the boat was approaching Ao Nang, it became apparent that there wasn’t a pier. As a result, smaller boats came to our ferry, and then took us to the shore…bizarre. Once we had reached the shore, we got a free bus transfer into town, I’ll never turn that down! It was only a short ride before we arrived in Ao Nang. We got dropped off at our hostel which turned out to be very suave and luxurious considering the low price. Or hostel was called Link Hostel and it was amazing for the price. It’s not bang in the centre of the town, but it’s easy enough to get into town via bus or taxi.

Once we had checked in, I called my friend for a while, which was nice and interesting. After we’d become accustomed to the hostel, we decided to go for some food, despite it being late. There wasn’t much open near us, so we had to walk for a while. Eventually, we came upon a small place at the side of the road. This seemed to be the only place open, plus it had started raining a bit. We picked our meals, and didn’t have to wait long until we were munching on our food. Very nice despite being simple. Just across the road was a 7/11, so we dropped by for some goods, withdrew cash, and turned in for the night.

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Picture of Joe Mayo

Joe Mayo

Joe has a hunger for travel and a passion for adventure, and has set out to share his journey with others to inspire and help them on their way.

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