16/02/2020: I reunite with my travel mate

Getting up early

Today was car free day, the same as last Sunday where an entire street bans cars for the morning and everyone is encouraged to walk or jog the length of the street. There’s also loads of stands selling food on the sides, seems like a pretty good gig they’ve got going on here. The only caveat being that you have to get there really early to take advantage of it, my greatest weakness! Last week it was raining like no other, a stark contrast to today, the Sun was out and blazing in all its glory. I had a nice breakfast at one of the stalls, little bits and bobs that just take so good. I’d been chatting with Mat and we’re going to reunite today for a few hours.

Afterwards, we met up with Ekutt and her friends, we did so in the form of me creeping up behind her and shouting ‘boo’ loudly whilst poking my fingers in her waist. It was a laugh and a half, her reaction sure turned some heads! Once we’d finished with the market, the 3 of us went to a supermarket for some snacks. Ekutt decided to get some brownie mix and make brownies at home today, then share with us later, no complaints from me! So she went home to get started whilst Elva and I chilled in town for a while. 

She met up with us again and we went to reunite with Mat, as he’s in Mataram for a couple of days. For lunch, we decided to go to a spicy soup shop, and spicy it was. They had different spice levels on the menu, ranging from 0 to about 18. I thought I’d be steady and choose a 6, the girls chose 14. Somehow, I still ended up being the one on the floor struggling with the spice from the noodles. Many tears were shed and a consistent runny nose was had, ah well, I tried!

Car free day is pretty popular

To the beach

We dropped Mat off as we were just going to chill out for a bit and reunite again later to go to the beach. Back at the hotel, I called my parents, introducing them to Elva and Ekutt. Ekutt left near the beginning of the chat, but everyone got on really well and it was a nice chat. It last about an hour before we said goodbye, until next time! Close to evening, it was time to reunite with Mat for the second time today. 

This time we’d be heading to the beach again, where I went not long ago. Similar to last time, we went and watched the sunset. It was pretty marvellous again, such deep red and orange colours. What was also good was that Mat gone on with the girls really well, not that I had any worries. But it made for a really funny and enjoyable evening. We had a drink of ‘ice’, which is a really sweet drink with plenty of ice and jelly inside of it.

After talking for ages on the beach front, we dropped Mat off again and returned to my hotel. The 3 of us began watching Jumanji 2, but then we realised there was no water in the room. I told reception and they called a plumber to the room, so we had to pause for a while. Once everything was sorted, we resumed the movie but Elva nodded off. So Ekutt and I watched the movie instead, we still had a pretty good time of it, still makes me chuckle. She’s an English student at University, so I helped with a few of the words she was unsure about. The movie finished around midnight, at which point I kicked them out and went to bed. What a wicked day!

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Picture of Joe Mayo

Joe Mayo

Joe has a hunger for travel and a passion for adventure, and has set out to share his journey with others to inspire and help them on their way.

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