02/12/2019: Somphamit Waterfalls

Breakfast by the water

We all had a very slow and relaxing get up this morning. It’s the best way to start the day! As the morning plodded on, we slowly got ready to leave for the Somphamit Waterfalls (also known as Li Phi Falls). Our first destination was breakfast! As we walked along the path towards the southern end of the island, we came upon a hostel which had a restaurant attached. The place seemed pretty reasonable, and good food, plus there weren’t many other options.

Once we’d all devoured breakfast, and played some cards whilst we waited, we marched onwards to the Somphamit waterfalls. I’ve seen several waterfalls during my journey, but this one is said to be quite a show! As we continued along the path, we stumbled upon a few young kids. They all seemed full of energy and extremely happy. As soon as they saw us, they ran over to us, jumping and raising their arms at us. I think I know what they want. We each picked a kid up and lifted them up, spun them around, spun ourselves around, and generally went crazy. The kids absolutely loved it, they couldn’t get enough of it. As soon as we put a kid down, they’d run to another of us, and I’d then get another kid running up to me. I tell you know, it’s pretty exhausting, but definitely a highlight of the day.

Baking on the path

As per usual, the weather was blisteringly hot, and I felt like I was a fried egg in a pan. We walked to a bridge that crossed over to another island, which hosted the Somphamit waterfalls. Even then, we still had a ways to walk, it probably took an hour or so to get there. It felt much longer in the heat. We had to pay 35,000 kip to gain entry to the Somphamit waterfall area, but this doesn’t surprise me anymore. For more info on the waterfalls, check out this page.

The waterfalls were definitely worth it though. At first, we saw the beginning of the waterfalls, which started from the river. The water goes through lots of rocks, creating some rapids and small waterfalls. Further on down the river, where we’d visit later, is where the real deal is showcased. After marvelling at the sight before us, we moved on along the river. Julie decided to go on to the rocks with her tripod, so we just left her to it and hope we didn’t spot her body floating down the river.

Damn nature, you scary

Only a few minutes away, we got sight of the water again, and boy had it ramped up. Here we could see huge and ferocious waterfalls, the noise was a deafening roar. It looked wonderful and amazing to see, but I know as soon as you go in that water, there’s no mercy. The Somphamit waterfall was a true sight to behold.

As we travelled further down the river, we eventually came to a very sandy area, which became a small beach next to the river. Some people were swimming in a small cove, just off of the main river. We were tempted to give it a go to stave off the heat, but we resisted as I could see a strong current close by, this would quickly drag you out. Mat and Mischa went back towards a bar on the sand area, whilst Julie and I took photos of each other standing on rocks in front of the river/waterfalls. Eventually, we too headed towards the bar. Mischa and Julie chilled, whilst Mat and I played a very lop-sided game of pool; the balls wouldn’t stop until they rested on the cushion. Plus, the cues were blunt or had no ends.

Returning to rest

After our time at the bar, we decided to head back to the hostel, we all needed some rest! Despite coming toward sunset, it was still so damned hot and dusty. We had something to eat on the way back as we were all starving and needed the energy boost. Once the hostel was in sight, we all gave a sigh of relief, then proceeded to flop on our beds. We all had a well-needed chill.

After a couple of hours of chilling out, we decided to go out for some food as it was getting late. It wasn’t too easy to find somewhere to eat as it was dark, but we eventually found somewhere. On the way back to the hostel, we had one final game of Ninja Go before Mischa leaves us tomorrow.

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Picture of Joe Mayo

Joe Mayo

Joe has a hunger for travel and a passion for adventure, and has set out to share his journey with others to inspire and help them on their way.

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