09/12/2019: Bus to Kampot

A fruity breakfast

Got a reasonable lie-in today, always appreciated. Had a wonderful breakfast today consisting of muesli, fresh fruit, and fresh milk, was very nice for a change. When travelling, you sometimes forget to eat fruit because you don’t want to carry fresh food with you in case it gets squashed or goes off. We had a bus to Kampot to catch today, and Julie’s breakfast toastie took ages, so we had to take it away and she ate it on the way. It was a bit touch and go, as always, whether we’d make the bus, but we did. Even got a free bottle of water out of it.

After we’d boarded the bus, we were on our way to Kampot, in the south of Cambodia. As per usual, I slept most of the way. This time I was thankful, after my bowels have been wreaking havoc, any chance to be unconscious is welcomed. The bus stopped a few times for breaks, and I was able to offload my bowels, as well as buy some nice and fresh pineapple. The hours just fly by, and before I knew it, we were already in Kampot!

Scoping the place out

The 3 of us were dropped off close to the centre of Kampot, within walking distance of most amenities. Thankfully, our hostel was quite close by too. Our hostel was called Jetzt Kampot, and was actually really cool and chilled. The dorm rooms are pretty cosy and this place does some beastly good burgers. Once we’d sorted out beds out, we headed out for food nearby. There’s quite a lot of places to eat in this area, so we went for a quiet one, across the road from a busy one. Gotta help the little folks out.

Anyway, I ended up having a really nice Calzone, and the others really enjoyed their food too. The Sun was setting, and the atmosphere was spot on. We were sat outside the restaurant, it wasn’t too hot, there’s the faint sound of the locals going about their busy…it was great. Afterwards, we visited a small corner shop, in search of the Haribo sweets I had in Nha Trang. I’ve never seen them before or after that one time, we are determined!

See what's about

As we didn’t know what was happening in Kampot, we decided to check out a touristy looking shop. It turns out there’s quite a bit of paddle boarding and kayaking to be done, as Kampot sits next to a large river. As we didn’t know what else there was, it was a real avenue of possibility, so we listened to the fellow. Afterwards, it seemed decent, but not something we’d want to splash out for. We then went to withdraw some cash, I usually loathe doing this. Not because I’m taking money out, but because the notes are $100, and no place will want to take that amount!

After all of our activities were completed, we returned to the hostel for the night. Mat and I are still carrying out our daily workouts. I had a quick shower after mine, and then turned.

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Picture of Joe Mayo

Joe Mayo

Joe has a hunger for travel and a passion for adventure, and has set out to share his journey with others to inspire and help them on their way.

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