12/01/2020: Cabaret show

Doing chores

I’d wondered for a long time what a cabaret show would be like to watch, especially since seeing what I did in Bangkok. It seems that day had come! I had a nice 10am lie in today, never get bored of them. The pair of us got ready, and went to reception to book a bus ride to Hat Yai; this would be our final destination before Malaysia. The reception had a catalogue of events and transport options available, so it was really easy. Once we’d booked the bus down south, we decided to do laundry. We grabbed all our dirty gear, popped it in the washing machine for an hour, and waited for it to finish. Before we went for breakfast, we wanted to get this out of the way first. 

We returned to the washing machine after an hour, only to find that it had been reset and was only 10 minutes in to the wash. Thankfully, the cleaning lady put the washing machine on for longer, and we headed out for lunch. We had a leisurely stroll in the baking heat, quite far down the road. Eventually, we came upon a small shack, this place was as good as any. I had a basic lunch of rice with pineapple and chicken, it was quite nice to be honest. Once we’d finished, we headed back to the hotel to hang our laundry out. It turns out that the staff were nice enough to let us hang our stuff out with the hotel’s washing.

Wandering around town

The heat really saps your energy, even early in the day. Due to this, we chilled in our room for a couple of hours, to cool down and recuperate a little. It may seem like we do this often, but when you’re actually travelling, you’d understand. If you keep going and going without respite, you’ll burn out and not enjoy yourself. Take care of number one. When we decided to head out, we got a shared pickup vehicle, where there were loads of people in the back of a long tuk tuk. It was cheaper this way compared to a taxi. 

Once we arrived in town, we began wandering, and seeing what was for sale. Due to our Phi Phi boat tour, we wanted to invest in a snorkel and mask. We were flitting in between shops, seeing what the best price was. After exploring many shops, they were mostly the same price, around £5, so we went with a random shop. We’re looking forward to using these at the next opportunity. As we headed to the less busy side of town, we were approached by a fellow handing out flyers. I took it out of habit and kept walking. Upon further inspection, we decided we’d like to watch the cabaret show, as I never had done before. So, we returned to the fellow, and bought some tickets for tonight for the cabaret show. We returned to the hostel for now.

The show

As dark began to fall, we ventured back into the town centre to watch the cabaret show at 8pm. It was in a building that hosted some bars and a party hostel. There were quite a few folks in the room, waiting for the show to begin. The show itself was quite over-the-top and flamboyant, as expected. I believe all of the women were actually guys, as many of them were almost right, but still had a feature or two not quite right. Through dance, a story was told, and they donned many exquisite costumes, and the dances were pretty good. There was also a rotund guy in drag who was doing a humorous performance, it actually made me howl.

For more info, check out the cabaret here!

I was pretty impressed with the cabaret show as a whole. Afterwards, Mat and I went to an Indian restaurant which was lovely, and had a beautiful McFlurry afterwards, yummy! As it was too late, we couldn’t get a shared ride home, so instead, we decided to walk home. It was overly far, but it did get pitch black in some places along the way home. During the last stretch, it began to rain heavily, so we had to make a mad dash for the hotel.

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Picture of Joe Mayo

Joe Mayo

Joe has a hunger for travel and a passion for adventure, and has set out to share his journey with others to inspire and help them on their way.

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